Saturday, August 16, 2014

To Shoot or Not To Shoot - there is no question

Summertime and the Saturday Farmers' Market is teeming with bounty!
Judy gave me a bunch of pumpkins to cook! She is so sweet. Thank you!

So , even though we often run up to grab a few fresh veggies, see neighbors, and friends, it would be
easy to not  snap a shot or two.
I'm glad I did shoot, though! 
The warm moist summer air, the sounds of birds, the presence of people enjoying Saturday morning Farmers' Market now won't be a forgotten memory in January.

So to shoot or not to shoot?
There is NO question - SHOOT!

How close do you have your phone camera at all times?
I hope you use it often!

Extra FUNN to shoot a few more at home with Professor Buckley.
I just want to drink in these colors - like Vitameatavegamin.

Looking forward to pumpkin pie from these beauties and November Pathfinding Pajama Party layouts.
Should be able to use these photos (summery) and pie photos (fall-ish) all at once.

To shoot or not to shoot? 
There is no question.

Do some clicking this weekend and have FUNN!

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