Saturday, March 15, 2014

Timberline Prep Day

I take my position as your Scrapbook Guru / Pajama FUNN Party Queen
very seriously.
Such was the case today.

I worked outside ALL day in the 74 weather "camping" on my deck at the lake house
for photos to use on my next Pajama FUNN Party - Timberline.

See the FUNN Queen work.

I did record my thoughts in my Modville My Crush Book.

Had to recruit Professor Buckley to work with me, too.

Even Huni Buni came out to relax,  I mean, work.

My view was hard just terrible as I worked away creating my photos for the layouts.

Here Doug is relaxing while I prepare for the next round of FUNN!
He was down for the struggle when he brought me one of his delish grilled cheese sammies.

The layouts which will save these memories will be up tomorrow with 
the suggested Shopping List.

If you haven't joined us for a Pajama FUNN Party - why wait any longer!?!

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