Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Welcome to 2014!

Welcome to 2014!
Now that we have that squared away, let's talk paper crafting FUNN!

Close To My Heart has some really cute specials for you this month.
Like this super cute Cloud Nine Card Kit!
Let me give Kristine center stage and let her explain...

Here are a peek at some cards I made using the leftovers.....
There is more to this story, but I've had the "Coyote Crud" and am not up to much.

I"m excited to see what 2014 has.
like the 3rd Annual National Mary Gunn FUNN Day on February 1, 2014
Really, it will be National Mary Gunn FUNN Month - get ready.
The new CTMH Spring/Summer Idea Book and more FUNN than you can shake a stick at.
Many more months of Pajama Party FUNN.
FUNN Clubb, FUNN Cropps - let's do it!

Here is a little Happy New Year wish for you...
May you always have more adhesive than you need and
May your scrapbooks of this year save your heart's memories

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